Internal Audit – Marketing

Posted by The New Economics Education

Marketing is the process of defining, pengantisipasian, creation and fulfillment of needs and desires of consumers for products and services. There are seven functions of marketing, namely:
Consumer Analysis
An observation and evaluasai needs, desires and wants of consumers. Consumer analysis involves the procurement of consumer surveys, analyzing consumer information, evaluating strategic market positioning, floating consumer profiles, market segmentation and the determination of the optimal strategy.

Sales of Products / Services
Sales include a lot of marketing activities, such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity, personal selling, sales force management, customer relations, and dealer relations.

Planning Products and Services
Planning products and services include various activities such as test marketing, product and brand positioning, use of the warranty, packaging, determining the choice of products, product features, product style, product quality, the removal of old products, and providing customer service. Test marketing is one of the techniques of planning products and services that are most effective as a test market allows an organization to test alternative marketing plans and new product sales forecasting.

Price Fixing
Five stakeholders (stakeholders) affect pricing decisions (pricing): consumers, government, suppliers, distributors, and competitors.

Distribution includes penggudangan, distribution channels, distribution coverage, location of retail, wolayah sales, inventory levels and locations, courier transport, wholesale, and retail. Distribution becomes very important when a company attempted to implement market development strategies or forward integration.

Market Research
Marketing research is the collection, recording and analyzing systematic data on the various issues regarding the marketing of goods and services. Marketing research activities to support all the main business functions of an organization.

Opportunity Analysis
The analysis involves assessing the opportunity costs, benefits and risks associated with marketing decisions. Three steps are required to make cost-benefit analysis (cost-benefit analysis): (1) calculate the total cost associated with a decision, (2) estimate the total benefits of the decision and (3) compare the total cost of the benefit. If the expected benefits exceed total costs, then it becomes more attractive opportunities.

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