Economic Dualism

Posted by The New Economics Education

Economic Dualism is one of the factors inhibiting economic development of a country. This occurs and is a problem for developing countries.

Economic Dualism is a concept that shows the differences between rich nations and poor, and the differences between the various segments of society.

Economic dualism has 4 main characteristics, namely:

1. Two different situations: one situation is superior and others are inferior that coexist in the same space and time

Modern production methods in urban and rural traditional production methods. Another example, powerful industrial nations and rich nations are weak and poor, and so on.

2. Chronic nature of the differences, not the transitional
The two conditions mentioned above side by side not merely circumstances are temporary, which will disappear by itself over time.

Prosperity and poverty internationally is not a simple phenomenon that can be lost because of the time alone.

3. Degree of superiority and inferiority are not showing a declining trend, even on the rise.
The gaps between the two states was even more severe, the more superior the country soared ahead, while inferior country worse off.

Differences in the productivity of developed countries to developing countries productivity.

4. Linkages between elements of the superior and inferior elements indicate that the superior elemental state only a small effect or no effect at all in elevating inferior elements. In fact, it is often an element of the superior cause retardation conditions (underdevelopment).
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Learning Games

Posted by The New Economics Education

The game is an activity where players follow different rules to the reality of trying to live up to their goals.

1. Attractive / interesting
The game provides an interesting framework for learning activities. Interesting game because the game fun. Children and adults are equally likely to react positively to an invitation to play.

2. The existence of new things
As with any departure from the usual classes, the game raises concern because of the fun new things.

3. Atmosphere
Fun, relaxed atmosphere with game development can be beneficial for those who avoid the types of other structured learning activities.

4. Time for the task
Games can keep students interested in repetitive tasks, such as memorizing multiplication tables, etc.

1. Competition
Activity can be counterproductive competition for students who are less interested in competing.

2. Confusion
Without good management and questioning, students can not get all the excitement of the game and failed to focus on the real goal.

3. Bad Design
Learning to be meaningful, game activity must provide the actual training of academic skills. Fatal weakness of the design is not a good game is the player spends a lot of time to wait for their turn to play, roll the dice, and take action similar trivial.
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Entrepreneurship: Entering the Global Market (Part 1)

Posted by The New Economics Education

Motivation For Global Market Entry
The advantage, of course, is one of the most significant reasons for entering the global market. Profits are negatively affected by the cost of preparation to enter the global market, which is too low estimate of the associated costs, and losses due to errors.

The difference between planned results and actual results may be quite large in the first attempt to enter the global market. It is usually recognized by employers. However, there are other things that trigger motivation more entrepreneurs to enter the global market.

The motivation is as follows:
1. Profit
2. Competitive pressures
3. Products or services that are unique
4. Excess production capacity
5. Sales declined in the country dalama
6. Unique market opportunity
7. Economies of scale
8. Advantages in terms of technology
9. Tax advantages

Strategic effects to Global Market Entry
While cause various types of environments and new ways of doing business, global market entry is also accompanied by a set of diverse and widespread problem, which is completely new. Physical and psychological proximity to international markets affect some global entrepreneurs.

Geographical proximity to foreign markets may not always provide a closeness that is felt by foreign consumers. Sometimes the variables of culture, language, and legal factors can create a foreign market is geographically close look a lot psychologically.

Selection of Market Competitors
With so many countries with prospects, critical problems for global operators are foreign market selection and entry strategies. Global entrepreneur must always remember that each data point does not make a trend, so the data are based on less than three periods should be interpreted with caution.

Data were collected and analyzed for the selection of the market will also be used in developing marketing strategies and plans go right. While some market selection models available, one good method to use a five-step approach.
1. Develop appropriate indicators
2. Collect data and turn it into indicators that can be compared
3. Assign weights to each indicator
4. Analyze the data
5. Choosing the right market from market rank
More aboutEntrepreneurship: Entering the Global Market (Part 1)

Definition and Types of Learning Model

Posted by The New Economics Education

Definition of Learning Model 
Winataputra in Sugiyanto (2008) suggests that the learning model is a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve specific learning objectives and serves as a guide for learning and crier proclaimed and teachers in implementing learning activities. 

Types of Learning ModelSugiyanto (2008) suggests that there are many models of learning are developed by experts in an effort to optimize student learning outcomes. The learning model include the following: 

1. Contextual Learning Model 
Contextual learning model is the concept of learning that encourages teachers to connect between what is taught by real-world situations students. This lesson also encourages students to make connections between their knowledge and their application in everyday life. Knowledge and skills obtained from the students construct their own knowledge and skills as students learn. 

2. Cooperative Learning Model
Models of cooperative learning is a learning approach that focuses on the use of small groups of students to work together to maximize the learning conditions to achieve learning objectives. 

3. Quantum Learning Model 
Quantum learning model is assembled from a variety of theories or views of cognitive psychology and neurology that much programming already exist. 

4. Integrated Learning Model 
Integrated learning is a learning model that allows students either individually or in groups actively seek, explore, and discover concepts and principles in a holistic manner. This is a learning model that try to combine several subjects. 

5. Problem Based Learning (PBL) 
Problem Based Learning is a learning cognitive psychology that takes as its theoretical support. The focus is more on what the student is doing but on what students think as long as they do it. Enabling teachers themselves as mentors and facilitators so that students can learn to think and solve their own problems.
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